Monday, March 30, 2009

another thing.....

okay, this is soo laggy compared to the movie. but how fucking dreamy is Edward Cullen?!?!?! i never fancied twighlight thinking it was to "cheesy", even though i never watched the movie yet, but when i finally watched recently. I thought it was so good. And Edward, ohmylooordddd, his not hot or anything, but the whole image he plays,the whole badboy with a good heart. sigh i love it.

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OH! and did you know, he played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, the guy who took Cho Chang away from Harry. I think he was too goody goody in that movie for him to really attract the fame that he has bought upon himself now.

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note to self: my boyfriends selfish and wont give me the book yet! LOL hurrry up please :):) love you