Monday, April 6, 2009

best weeekend.... ever!!!!

omg this weekend was crazzzyyyy goood! i loved every second of it.

well starting of at the beginning.

Me, Fitz & John went to Chocolate Cityy @ Havana Club De Luxe, as usual.. this went off! Love, love, Loved it. Some bits were a bit crazyy like the fights and a chicks drink getting spiked, that was scaryyyy... one minute we saw her the next minute she was collapsed. But i heard she's okay now. So thats good. And to the dickhead that did that, thats just so fucking sad of you, as if do that!!!!!!!! I hate people that throw cheap ass stunts to get some! Shows how sad you are. We left at like 4 something. All up, a goood night out.

Wake up at 3pm. Get ready to go out again :)
But first we went to Johns house for his sisters Bday. :) Best feeeed!!! haha
Then clubbing again! But this time, it was John, Fitz, Jowell, Rommell, Eddie, Mel & I! So was alot more people, which was good. Anyways we went Masif @ Space.
I was doing membership so I did that from 10pm-1am. It was good meeting new people and talking to them and stuff and trying to persuade people to sign it -.- LOL and its funny at the lame stuff people say to pick you up. But anyways after all that I made good money out of it! :) yayyyy. but its all gone now. -.- Best :'(
Anyways, Saturday night turned out to be alot better than Friday night (Y)

loool, i really love clubbing :) sighhh!!!!

I'll update y'all on some new club events happening this week, cool?

Mwah x.