Wednesday, April 1, 2009

pinch & a punch!!!!!!!

lol was a pretty good day today! first john came over at like 7.30 to take me to school but we ended up going maccas for breakfast ( a healthy one) since were like " gone all healthy" stylez.
and then i ended up going to school , homeroom then leaving AND in all this time, i got fuckign tricked twice but ava & paaras the fags !!!!!! LOL was funny tho :):)
Not much to say today, except i really think all of yous should listen to this song.
Broken Heart - Mario... its really really goood!

Oh and yeah, some pictures from Johns Dads Birthday. Was really goood :) Best foood !

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His parents ♥

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Johns sister, sister in law & mother and sister in law

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Last but not least, my favourite. John ♥

We ate out at Le Colonial. Seriously that restaurant is soooo nice ! MMMMM deep fried icecream ! yum :P

Til next time.
♥ Brittany XOXO