Monday, April 20, 2009

sick, cold & extremely bored

fah.. the maddest change in weather! what the fuck -.- its so colddd, i swearr :( too lazy+cold to be out. too bored to stay home -.- what to do?!?!?!?
anyways holidays has been alright. Haven't done much i must sayy. Parties that i have been to were good, i got to catchup with my old bestfriends. I didn't really realize how much i miss them. So that was good. I like seeing friends who i havent seen in forever and having like a mad catchup session :) loooove it!!!!
Went Easter Show yesterday, was good. I fuckign threw up from the rides LMAO. they were crazzyyy !!! Maddest feeling hahah. Utopia was yesterday also. wish i went heard it was off the chaaaain! Oh well, theres Masif next month (hopefully):) yayy . can't wait!
I miss seeing the terraaa people, badly :(
Anyways cbf blogging more. Ill just post up pics :)
Mwa x

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easter show

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easter show

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city;Ramen Kan (mmm jap fooood!)

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city; Ramen Kan