Monday, May 11, 2009

lazy & unmotivated...

I am soo not bothered to start blogging again... cbf'd!!!!!!!

Anyways, quick catchup!

Holidays are long gone... still feeelin' the holiday mode >< sigh, I got my tongue pierceddd lol. today, the 11th, is my baby & I's 10 months anniversary... awhh it was a good day :) haha .. we didnt do much.. just spent time together and yeah ate and stuff. My IRP ( individual research project) is due on friday and the stress it soo much to handle :'( fuckkk ! lol schools a bitch ! hardout.

yeah thats pretty much it!

theres this shop in rooty hill, JAS MY WAFFLES, YUMMMMMAAAYYYYY! its the cheaper version of Max Brennar! haha heaps good :)

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first dayyy !

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bondi at night.

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sighh, i love you john catig ♥