Tuesday, March 24, 2009


*sigh* i hate it when you happen to be alone, you just end up thinking too much? Honestly, it sucks. I always do it and I always end up getting angry or pist off after . Its funny to think that whatever you think about, sometimes usually affecting you emotionally.I always think of negative shit too, i don't want that to reflect who I am, so from now on, Im going to always TRY think positive. I dont know if that happens with alla youz ( whoever reads this-.-) but it sucksssss ass! I feel sorry for the people who have to end up dealing with the emotions i show after this occurs. Sorry, & i love you for always being there. True?

Also, i love the fact that there are certain people in my life who i can just depend on all the time. I know its bad to over excessively depend on someone, like i depend on John... but sometimes you can't help it :) I was thinking about this in Johns car today, and i was just thinking of how much i depend on him and how he always does anything for me and doesnt worry about himself, i love that about him. He does anything to make me happy, when all i need to make me happy is him ... then i was just thinking about all those SELECT FEW who mean so so soo much to me. They are what you call true friends, the ones that don't care no matter how much you dog them for whatever reason, that when you come back to them, they will still love you no matter what. The ones that don't nag you all the time about not hanging with them because you "have" too or anything. When you think about it, words like " no matter what, we'll be friends forever and shit", well FOREVER doesn't exsist unless you want it too, and they don't really mean anything until they show you that they mean it. Not verbally, but emotionally & physically. I love it how the people i choose as my closest friends right now in life, they don't backstab, they don't bitch, they don't nag. All they do is be who they are and show me that they are people who I am always going to keep close to me. I dedicate this blog to you guys :) Love alla youz <3

ANYWAYS...nothing interesting has really happened lately. Same old, same old. I was just looking at pictures posted up for Nogz 2oth Birthday Party. *SIGHHH* wish i went... but i ended up at home, alone... how sad huh!!!!!! Anyways, HAPPY BELATED 20th NOGZ :P hope you enjoyed your birthday!

Thats all. x